July 21, 2008



HIV AIDS – HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus which will cause AIDS- A medical state when the acquired Immunity will be decreased due to the lose of CD4 cells in blood due to the attack of HIV- Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The important ways of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth. Screening of blood products for HIV has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions.

HIV SYMPTOMS – The common or normal HIV symptoms are standardized and almost similar during the course of infection. -We can divide this in to 3 namely- Initial HIV Symptoms, Early HIV Symptoms and later HIV Symptoms. 

INITIAL HIV SYMPTOMS – This is very early HIV symptoms unlike early symptoms they are more early and more than a warning shot. The initial symptoms are earliest HIV Symptoms. The earliest symptoms of HIV infection occur while your body begins to form antibodies to the virus (known as seroconversion) between six weeks and three months after infection with the HIV virus. Those who do show early HIV symptoms will develop flu-like symptoms. This can include: fever, rash, muscles aches and swollen lymph nodes and glands. However, for most people, the first symptoms of HIV will not be apparent


EARLY HIV SYMPTOMS – Early HIV Symptoms will show you the patient is infected by HIV. Unlike Earliest HIV Symptoms in this stage HIV will be more conspicuous than ever before. 

Skin, mouth, genital symptoms — A characteristic feature of acute HIV infection is open sores or ulcers involving the mucous membranes and skin in certain areas of the body. They may be located in the mouth the anus, or the penis. Ulceration involving the esophagus often causes pain during swallowing.  

Many patients also develop a rash or reddish inflammation of the skin about two to three days after the onset of fever. The rash usually affects the face, neck, and upper chest or may be more widespread, involving skin of the scalp, the arms and legs, and the palms and soles. The inflammation is usually pink to deep red spots and/or small, solid, slightly raised areas of the skin. Itching is rare and tends to be mild.

Digestive symptoms — Many patients with primary HIV infection develop nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite (known as anorexia), and associated weight loss. Rarely, more severe abnormalities of the digestive system develop, such as inflammation of the liver or the pancreas.

Respiratory symptoms — A dry cough is usually the only respiratory symptom associated with acute HIV infection. A few rare cases have been reported in which patients developed inflammation of the lungs, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues.

Neurological symptoms — Headaches are common in persons with primary HIV infection. Patients often describe pain behind the eyes that worsens with eye movement. Rarely, more severe Neurological features have been reported, including:


LATER HIV SYMPTOMS- Here is list of HIV Symptoms which we can take in to account- After initial stage this stage will come. 

chronic yeast infections or thrush (yeast infection of the mouth) 
Fever and/or night sweats 
Easy bruising 
Bouts of extreme exhaustion 
Unexplained body rashes 
Appearance of purplish lesions on the skin or inside mouth 
Sudden unexplained weight loss 
Chronic diarrhea lasting for a month or more 

HIV SIGNS – The HIV Signs are the symptoms or signs of HIV. Similar to symptoms but are more than that . HIV Signs are a warning for HIV Infection rather than mere symptoms. These signs can be of HIV or due to some other reasons. But they are usually considered as HIV signs and symptoms. 

Lack of energy 
Weight loss 
Frequent low-grade fevers 
Night sweats 
Frequent yeast infections (oral or vaginal) 
Vaginal yeast infections 
Bacterial vaginosis 
Abnormal PAP smears 
Genital ulcers – not necessarily from herpes 
Persistent skin rashes 
Flaky skin 
Pelvic inflammatory disease – especially if it is difficult to treat 
Short-term memory loss 
Severe herpes infections 


AIDS SYMPTOMS – AIDS Symptoms are very severe. When a patient reaches AIDS level -CD4 count below 200- the symptoms will be different and they are called AIDS Symptoms. Means to be diagnosed with AIDS, your T4 cell count must drop to below 200 per cubic millimeter (in healthy adults, a T4 cell count of 1,000 or more per millimeter is normal) or be infected with an opportunistic infection. Opportunistic infections are so named because they take advantage of your weakened immune system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a list of those illnesses that are deemed to be opportunistic infections and lead to an AIDS diagnosis. This list includes, but is not limited to: 

Kaposi’s Sarcoma 
Pulmonary tuberculosis 
Candidiasis of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi or lungs 
Toxoplasmosis of the brain 
Severe bacterial infections 
Invasive cervical cancer 
Recurrent pneumonia 
Additionally, vision loss, nerve damage and brain impairment can also occur. Signs of brain deterioration include troubles thinking, loss of co-ordination and balance and behavioral changes. 


ACUTE HIV SYMPTOMS- Very severe and conspicuous Symptoms of HIV.
All symptoms will be acute and severe- The main symptoms are

  • Diarrhea
  • Enlarged liver or spleen
  • Fever
  • Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Neurologic symptoms
  • Rash on the abdomen, arms and legs and face
  • Sore throat
  • Thrush, a common fungal infection of the mouth caused by Candida  a yeast-like fungus

Often this stage indicates the proceeding of patient to more grave situation called AIDS where death will occur.

Symptoms of HIV or signs of HIV will indicate the infection and its gravity. When this comes be careful and seek medical help. Holistic treatment is only assured treatment that can oust HIV from human body-